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Image by Abbie Bernet from Unsplash

The Ritz-Carlton in Los Angeles offers the sharing of vehicles with other passengers along with the hotel's eco-friendly structure, leaving behind a smaller ecological footprint and saving your money. 

DO Stay at Eco-Friendly hotels

Los Angeles is the entertainment capital of the world, filled with many different ethnicities, architectures, cuisines and cultures. When in the position of a tourist coming to Los Angeles, you should keep in mind these things below to tour Los Angeles sustainably. 

Top 10 Do's and Don't for Sustainable Tourism in Los Angeles

Image by Maria Michelle from Pixabay

Top 10 Do's and Don't in Los Angeles

Los Angeles by Catherine Nguyen is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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California Republic Bear by Leonardo Schneider from the Noun Project

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